You Can Get Rich Quick

Get Rich Counting Your Blessings

How often do we receive this message, "Get Rich Quick." It is too many to count and so much that we become numb to the statement. Yet, every day the message is in our email or blasted to us over the airwaves.
However, today I will tell you precisely how to get rich quickly. All you have to do is count your blessings. Say what? Are you saying you do not have any blessings? Take a few minutes to ponder the question. Awe! So you have taken some time to think again, right? Everyone can find some blessings if they look more closely at the events in their lives. It is the blessing of the Lord that makes you rich.


You should consider the love of your family and friends and your love of humanity. Perhaps you find 'love' a strange word to use, so you do not call it 'love' per se; maybe you call it a deep sense of wishing the very best for those closest to you; and an abiding positive wish for all the best of life for them. This feeling that many call 'love' is the fountain from which all other blessings flow.

The Blessing Of Having A Job, Or A Profession


Even though there may be days you dread the clamor of the alarm clock, and you drag yourself out of bed to face another day of problems to solve and people that try your patience, it is, after all, a blessing. Even if you have retired from the regular work atmosphere, that also is a blessing.
Many people do not even have a job, much less a vocation or profession. Others never got to retire due to illnesses that led to early death. So look beyond the rude people and problems and see them as an opportunity to make a difference somehow. You may not change those rude people into mild-mannered, gentle people, but you can change you and how you react to them. Let this be your opportunity to practice patience and tolerance, and perhaps these people will recognize this seed and plant it within themselves.

The Blessings Around You Make You Rich.


"Day by day in every way, I am getting better and better." This quote was made famous by the French hypnotist Emile Coue'. It is a beautiful quote to keep in mind when you find yourself slipping into a myriad of negative thinking. Our minds are more powerful than we give them credit for being. Amazingly, our subconscious mind will grab on to just one negative thought and refuse to let it go. In contrast, it may take several times (or several hundred) positive thoughts to reprogram that thought, but it will happen with perseverance.
So, the next time you are feeling low self-esteem and getting ready to throw yourself a pity party, or are overwhelmed with situations in your life and your family, remember: You Can Get Rich Quick By Counting Your Blessings!
Pat Bracy


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2 years ago

This article is amazing reminder of how much we have to be grateful for. Thanks for the consistent encouragement through your blog.

2 years ago

Yes This article reminds me to count my blessings daily

Alvenia Rhodes
2 years ago

This is good reading always try to keep self control because anything you want good in life you have to work hard for it and at it in order for it to work for the best. God gives blessings that are free and they will make you rich so you can help others